A Short (journalistic) History Of New Mexico Politics
“Everything based on experience elsewhere fails in New Mexico” — Gov. Lew Wallace
Reports and Opinions By Larry Joseph Calloway
“Everything based on experience elsewhere fails in New Mexico” — Gov. Lew Wallace
She sat with the ex governors, a woman among men, a Republican among (mostly) Democrats, blonde in New Mexico, demure, and the audience applauded. She fought cancer, sexism, political opportunists, and never lost site of ethics and public service.
I had no idea Bill Clinton would be there, but when he showed up I realized the story Bruce King told was true. Those early-riser breakfasts meant something.
Bill Richardson owns the executive, legislative and judicial branches of New Mexico government. Is local government next? The mayor of a dirt-poor border town is making his stand.
Part-time legislatures are no better than full-time legislatures, but if New Mexico is any clue, they are more submissive.
The old anti-union bulls of the New Mexico Legislature will bellow their horns off in the pastures of heaven when they hear about Fair Share.
The New Mexico Senate has operated under a constitutional leadership fiction since Manny Aragon took power. Time to reorganize, but will the senators do it or will Bill Richardson do it for them?
Roman Maes, a powerful Democratic state senator going for a sixth term from liberal Santa Fe, defeated himself by indulging in conservative rants. Your attention, please, Bill Richardson.
Sen. Smith goes to Santa Fe. And Gov. Richardson plays hardball. The inside story on the New Mexico governor’s most controversial veto.
The arising distrust of electronic voting machines and their makers can be calmed by the simple application Tom Stoppard’s famous quote.