“Spotlight” At Telluride 2015

My last Telluride Film Festival review

September: Telluride   By LARRY JOSEPH CALLOWAY NEWSPAPERS, the first drafts of history, also used to write the loglines of movies. The logline for “Spotlight,” debuted at the 2015 Telluride … Read More

Looking For Culture In The Malls Of Singapore

Suppose the Asian city-state is the experiment that will survive

What is culture? At first glance the amiable sales person was Chinese, but this was not China and we were dealing in English. I wanted a cultural experience, not the camera. Or so I thought.

The SHOW Goes On, Toronto

My comments on the Telluride Film Festival, 2014

By LARRY JOSEPH CALLOWAY The threat by the Toronto Film Festival to put a partial eclipse on films that premiered a week earlier at Telluride did not dim any lights … Read More